
A student group from PUC-Rio in Brazil paid a visit to the WTO Chair at UIBE

In the realm of academic exchange and collaborative learning, the recent visit of a group of 24 students and 3 professors from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) to the China Institute for WTO Studies, the WTO Chair at UIBE stands as a testament to the power of global connectivity in fostering intellectual growth and cross-cultural understanding.

Led by Director Isabel Rocha de Siqueira, a distinguished researcher renowned for her contributions to the field, along with Professor Maria Elena Rodriguez and Professor Carlos Coelho, experts in International Relations at PUC-Rio, the delegation embarked on a journey of exploration and engagement with the WTO Chair at UIBE.

Upon their arrival, the guests were greeted with warm hospitality and an opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of history that defines our institution. A visit to the school's history museum and the museum of Foreign Economic and Trade Relations offered a glimpse into the evolution of international trade education and research, providing a contextual backdrop for the academic exchange that ensued. This immersive experience set the stage for meaningful discussions on the shared legacy and aspirations of our academic communities.

The intellectual discourse reached its zenith with a captivating lecture by Professor TU, the Dean of CIWTO and WTO Chairholder with a theme of “Prospect of WTO reform and China’s position”. Prof. TU navigated through the complexities of global trade dynamics, offering nuanced perspectives that stimulated critical inquiry and reflection among the audience. The lecture served as a catalyst for deeper engagement with the nuances of international trade governance, illuminating pathways for collaborative research and academic exploration.

As the day unfolded, a pivotal moment of synergy emerged during a business meeting convened by Professor TU, bringing together the luminaries from PUC-Rio and our institute. Against the backdrop of mutual respect and scholarly camaraderie, the participants engaged in dialogue aimed at forging strategic partnerships, exchange programs, and collaborative research initiatives. The meeting bore witness to the convergence of diverse perspectives and expertise, laying the groundwork for a new chapter of collaboration and mutual learning between our institutions.